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Dyslexic to Bookworm
Read This Before Starting The Course
Introduction to the Course (7:27)
Module 1 - Dyslexia To Now-What We Know Now
What You Should Know (8:22)
Dyslexia Can Improve (8:49)
Module 2 - Dyslexia Differences-Strengths and Weaknesses
Dyslexia Differences (22:35)
Module 3 - Hacks and Accommodations
Accommodations for Dyslexia (16:18)
Cool Hacks for Dyslexia (5:14)
Easy Ways to Improve Spelling and Word Retention (27:25)
Module 4- Importance of Primitive Reflexes
How Primitive Reflexes Affect Learning (6:40)
Physical Tests for Primitive Reflexes (7:23)
ATNR-Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (7:05)
Landau Reflex (4:59)
Moro Reflex (6:42)
Palmar Reflex (5:05)
Rooting Reflex (4:08)
Spinal Galant (4:47)
STNR-Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (5:16)
TLR-Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (6:31)
Plantar/ Babinski Reflex (0:58)
Module 5 - Visual Differences with Dyslexia
Importance of Visual Function in Dyslexia (18:59)
Visual Differences in Dyslexia (12:37)
Visual Exercises (8:40)
Module 6 - Language and Auditory Differences with Dyslexia
Importance of Auditory and Language Strength (10:53)
Language Processing and Types of APD (11:25)
Module 7 - Hemispheric Integration and the Exercises
What Is It? (28:23)
Assessing Your Child (23:28)
Importance of Vestibular and Proprioception (8:59)
The Intervention Exercises (13:23)
Module 8 - Fitness and Nutrition for Dyslexia
Fitness and Nutrition (21:53)
Module 9 - Cross-Over and Rhythm Exercises
Crossover Awesomness (9:36)
Feel the Rhythm (10:20)
Downloads and Printable Cards
Primitive Reflex Downloads
Visual Function Downloads
Auditory Downloads
Brain Integration Downloads
Cross-Over Downloads
Other Cool Stuff to Download
VIP Bonuses
VIP Bonus Cards
Three Videos from our Mini Series
Video 1 (14:49)
Video 2 (15:32)
Video 3 (23:19)
Teach online with
Easy Ways to Improve Spelling and Word Retention
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