Primitive Reflex Integration Bundle-1 hr Course Plus Cards

See the difference in your child's life! Everything you need to know to do Primitive Reflex Integration exercises with children.

My heart knew there was more....

Deep in my heart, I knew there was more I could be doing for my struggling children to help them with their learning disabilities and sensory issues. That is when I started my long journey to find the weaknesses and strengthen them. You know what? We found them!!!! They have done wonders for our children, friends,family and followers.


Specialists have found that most children struggling with learning disabilities, developmental disorders or even social and on-going health problems have something in common....They have Primitive Reflexes that still persist after their first year of life. We call these the 'Trouble Makers'.

Specialists have found another thing in common. Children and adults who do the exercises to eliminate these 'Trouble Makers' have started showing faster improvements academically, socially, developmentally, neurologically and even with their health.

  • What are Primitive Reflexes?
  • What and how do they affect a person?
  • How do I test my child?
  • How do you do the at-home exercises?

These are all answered in this simple, but informative video course on Integrating Primitive Reflexes through simple exercises.

Also, you will receive a certificate of completion when you've finished this 1 hour course.

Case Study #1

Lyla was a fantastic kid! She was full of energy. Problem was that it was so much energy that it was causing some real problems. She couldn't be composed enough to say full organized sentences at the age of 3. It was more like disorganized, fast, gibberish. She couldn't tolerate snuggling or being held from the time she was a baby, She was too twitchy with adrenaline. She was so hyper and impulsive that she couldn't keep friends, or, truth be told, even make friends. No one wanted 'crazy Lyla' around. She couldn't maintain eye contact. Furthermore, holding her attention long enough to make a Fruit Loop necklace was impossible. 'ADHD' was coming up in a lot of conversations about her.

Within three weeks after starting intervention exercises, Lyla finished her dinner one night and shocked her mom by saying 'Thank You for dinner. It was delicious' :o Really? Two full complete sentences with words in order and all.

Shortly after, at bed time one night, she grabbed her blankie and said 'I want to snuggle'. This was a major breakthrough. Mom had always wanted her to sit long enough to get a little snuggle time. Lyla truly sat there that night for about 20 minutes just snuggling. She asks for a snuggle almost every night since that day.

Lyla makes and holds eye contact now. Her impulse issues have greatly reduced. She even has playmates that want to stick around. She still has wonderful energy, but can keep it in check when she needs to. Primitive Reflex Exercises changed her life.

Dedicated to my sweet girl.

Case Study #2

Nate was a young man, just out of high school. He had struggled his entire life with Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder and Overactive Sensory Stimulation. He had been in IEP programs for years, but was determined to graduate. After graduation, Nate learned about Hemispheric Integration Exercises and started doing them. The exercises, and Vision Therapy, were helping him a lot with reading, but he still struggled with Auditory and Sensory issues.

He tested and found that some of his Primitive Reflexes had not integrated as a baby. These Reflexes were well known for causing visual problems, reading issues and some of his physical problems with his hips, back, knees and gait which he had struggled with since he first started to walk.

Within a couple of months after starting the Primitive Reflex Integration Exercises, these other problems started to improve. He noticed being able to understand and remember verbal instructions better. He noticed a big improvement in discerning one persons voice in a crowd and not being as sensitive to noisy rooms. He noticed his reading and comprehension improving. He even started buying books to read for enjoyment. This was a big leap of improvement. He used to avoid books and even avoid looking at open pages because they would make him feel nauseous.

Nate is 22 years old now and doing wonderfully. He is positive about his future and continues to work at self improvement exercises. He is successful at his job and is already self sustaining and living on his own. Nate recently became an investor and part owner of Solve Learning Disabilities, LLC

Happy to have you aboard, Nate


Your Instructor

Solve Learning Dis.
Solve Learning Dis.

Barbara has been passionate about finding and publishing the most effective intervention exercises for parents, Occupational Therapists, Special Ed teachers and homeschoolers. She has studied and used interventions for children with disabilities and disorders for over three years now. Because of the great improvements she has seen in her own children's lives, she has become an advocate for these techniques and spends her time doing further research, testing and publishing the most effective interventions she finds. Her goal is to reach as many people as possible with the newest interventions and oldest effective techniques that create real improvement for struggling children . Her motto is "Find the weakness...... and strengthen it". Barbara is co-author of the 'Unlock Brilliance' book and has been co-founder of Solve Learning since 2015.

Britany is passionate about Learning Disabilities and getting the word out about Brain Integration. She has trained and taken courses in Brain Integration and is dedicated to helping children strengthen areas of the brain that will help them succeed. She has been working with Solve Learning Disabilities since 2015.

Aubrey is a member of Solve Learning Disabilities and focuses on Visual Functions that are related to Learning Disabilities. She worked with a Behavioral Optometrist for several years.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Free Assessment Guide
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Change Lives with Primitive Reflex Integration
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ATNR (Assymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex) Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Landau Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Moro Reflex Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Palmar Reflex Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Rooting Reflex Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Spinal Galant Reflex Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STNR (Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex ) Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  TLR (Tonic Labrynthine Reflex) Info & Child's Exercise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Download Material
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bundle Special Downloads
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Does it outline how often and how long to do the exercises?
Yes, it will give you the standard amount as well as tips for individual needs.
Does it show video examples of the exercises?
Yes, as part of the course there are demonstration videos included.
Does the course include the printed material needed to do it?
Yes, the printables are an included download.
Can you do all of the exercises at once or sepratly?
You can do them all every day if your child can tolerate it. We include some suggestions to make it effective and fun.
What age should you be to make these beneficial?
We have done them as 'fun play' with children as young as 3 years old. They work best on school age children, but have improved adults as well. .
How do I know if this course if right for my child?
These can benefit a typical child, but show greater benefit in children that have physical, neurological, learning or developmental struggles. If your gut feeling is that your child has more potential than they have achieved, trust your gut. There is a good chance these can help them.
Are they dangerous?
Not at all in most children. They are simple movements of the body that develop motor control which, in turn, suppress the Reflexes. If your child has unique physical disabilities, such as, but not limited to, spinal or neck deformities. consult your physician before proceeding.
Are there side effects?
None that we have had reported. They are pretty simple exercises. It is more about muscle control and consistency than intensity.

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